The entire sequence from the point where Teasle dumps the Police car in the river right up to the point where Rambo dumps his bike were all filmed on Deiner Creek.
Rambo dumps his bike and heads to the junkyard. Here's a great picture of the stuntman running the bike up the rock. A plywood platform was built at the base so the stuntman could get a good run at it.
This area has changed very little with the rock that Sly jumps on is still there to this day.
The large rock Brian Dennehy stands on while he's yelling up at Rambo is still there to this day. I was able to photo match it with a photo from a different angle in the movie.
This shot where the cars are approaching was part of an old logging road which is now the trail that leads to the Junkyard and Waterfall.
The picture below with Teasle walking back towards Mitch and Lester shows the view the police car would have had before it went down the side of the embankment.
This is a real easy location to get to and is only a 20 minute hike in. Drive down Quarry rd and park at the foot of the Munro Lake Trail. This is just passed the big red gate that leads to the Opening Scene which is towards the top of the hill. There is a spot there for about 2 or 3 cars and the trail is on the left.
Once at the Munro Trail you'll be hiking up the hill for about 15 - 20 minutes before it starts to level off. The Munro trail heads off to the right but you're going to keep going straight until you come to Deiner Creek. Once there you'll be straight across from the exact spot Sherrif Teasle flips his car over in the river bed. The place where Rambo dumps the bike will be about 150 feet to your right up the creek. Please note the creek can be next to impossible to navigate when there are heavy rains or during the spring run-off. This is also on the way to the junkyard and waterfall.
Scott Hardy's First Blood Filming Locations