Here is the famous flashback scene where Grand Master Stephen Chang cuts Rambo's chest during an interrogation scene. Grand Master Chang was so kind as to share some great stories of being on the set with Sly. The Chest cutting scene was filmed on a school stage in North Vancouver in the Deep Cove area. The place where they dump the feces from the top of the pit was on the set at Lougheed Hwy & Boundary road. This location is where Bridges Studio now stands to this day. The close up shots where Rambo is driving the army truck and the interior of the mine were also filmed there. Please see the Mine and National Guard page.
According to GMC, they had a hard time getting the cut to look good on film. They wound up putting a tube through his sleeve and on the backside of the knife to run the blood through. The final effect turned out perfect.
Grand Master Chang at the SAVE THE BRIDGE celebration. Here he is with the only prototype knife made in his honour. The knife found a wonderful home in the U.K.
Scott Hardy's First Blood Filming Locations