This was one of the most sought after locations to find after the opening scene. It took a rumour from Oliver Wegner from to set me well on my way to Burke Mountain.
With an amazing amount of help from superfan Jayme Brooks, we pretty much searched the entire mountain until I found an old map of the logging road system up the mountain. There was one section that we missed and the rest was history.
Since finding it and releasing the location on my old website, the junkyard has been badly picked apart over the years. It's now part of a local hiking guide with very detailed directions on how to find it. To find it, follow my directions to the spot on Deiner Creek from the MOTORBIKE CHASE where Teasle dumps his police car. Cross the creek and follow the trail west for about 20 minutes. You'll see it on your left once you get past the ravine.
Sly climbs up bedside the barrel which is still there to this day
Sly in the back of the trailer
*** Please be careful, the floor is rotten ***
Sly running towards the famous junkard truck
Rambo takes a moment to figure out his next move
Rambo makes his famous poncho from an old canvas
The waterfall Rambo climbs up after he leaves the junkyard is 5 minutes west of the junkyard on Macyntre Creek. It's on the right and very easy to miss if there hasn't been any rain for a while. If it has been raining it can be very dangerous to navigate.
Scott Hardy's First Blood Filming Locations