A big thanks to the crew at "The Hope Standard" for all their wonderful help with these articles
Everyone eagerly awaiting their chance to appear in a major motion picture will be informed, well in advance, when and where to hand in their applications, according to a production spokesman.
The movie FIRST BLOOD starring Sylvester Stallone and Kirk Douglas is going to be filmed in and around the Hope area with a target date to begin filming set at November 16.
Gordon Mark, unit location manager for First Blood, assured the Hope Standard that there will be plenty of advance notice when we are ready to hire extras from the Hope area. We're not interested in casting extra's yet, as all of the major roles haven't been filled, Mark said.
"There will be a lot of extras hired, and the time that they are needed and the requirements for applicants will be made very clear in radio and newspaper ads when we begin casting," said Mark.
Mayor Keith Gardner of Hope noted that construction of the sheriff's office in front of the townhall has already begun.
"They're hoping to have all of the construction done in a month," Gardner commented.
There have been reassurances that the production company will be staying in Hope.
"It would be too expensive and too inconvenient for us to stay anywhere else and it's not as if Hope doesn't have the facilities,"said Mark.
Construction of the jailhouse for the movie "First Blood" should be finished within a week. However, unit location manager Gordon Mark said the crew will have to construct the inside of the building and then "dress" it with desks, calendars and other office equipment.
He said they hope to be starting on the gas station soon and will also start asking various merchants if they can place a temporary sign on the roofs of the stores or possibly changing the name. The film company is still looking for accommodations locally. Mark said he has not looked at any of the offers yet and is not discounting any but would like more offers.
There are a couple of leads for the cliff that will be used in an action shot and one possible location is the Sunshine Valley. The company is currently looking in the Squamish and Pitt Meadows area's for possible locations, but Mark stressed there will be five weeks of shooting in Hope. He explained the company is looking in the two areas because they are within commuting distance to Vancouver. This will help cut down on the expenses for the crew and will allow them to sleep in their own beds at night. The schedule for the movie should be worked out by the end of the week and the crew could possibly be here November 16 to start the production.
First Blood Productions will begin construction of a three sided 40-foot long fake gas station, complete with gas pumps and canopy for a special effects night scene in the upcoming movie filming. Council gave its go-ahead to the movie company Thursday night. The station will be built on the highways department land, fronting the Hope-Princeton Highway, east of Ryan's Restaurant.
The scene involves Sylvester Stallone crashing an army truck into the canopy and pumps and igniting the wreckage. In a letter to the council, production manager Paul Tucker said the special effect has been designed and will be executed by professional stuntmen and special effects men. While visually dramatic, it will be controlled and safe.
The volunteer fire department will be standing by on site during the explosion and fire sequences and "every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of the surrounding structures and the public." The existing gasoline storage tanks on site will be fulled with water and capped to neutralise any remaining gasoline fumes.
The company will also co-ordinate with Westcoast Transmission regarding the proximity and safety of the natural gas pipeline in the area. Tucker assured the town the area will be cleaned up on completion of filming. To ensure "absolute safety" to the public, the company requested both east and west bound traffic on the Hope/Princeton Highway be diverted from the area via Third Avenue, Wallace street and Water Avenue during the actual filming.
In addition, the company requested permission to periodically stop traffic on Highway 1 from the "Gateway to Holiday Land" sign to the junction of Water Avenue and Hudsons Bay Steet. The closures will be limited to 15 minutes each. The filming of the sequence will take place at night only. The company anticipates the detour will be required from approximately 6pm to 6am for a maximum of 4 nights.
Although the filming schedule is not yet firm, the filming is expected to take place from Dec 7 to Dec 21. Tucker said First Blood will co-ordinate with the highways department, RCMP and Town of Hope to ensure the detours and closures are adequately marked and manned. The company will also take out $10 million in insurance for third party liability and property damage. Council indicated it would not be held responsible for possible claims of loss of business during the detours. Construction of the gas station is slated to begin Oct 19.
Always wanted to be in a movie, here's your chance. First Blood Productions is looking for extras for its movie to be filmed in Hope some time in November. No experience is necessary and casting will be held Friday and Saturday in the basement of City Hall. To register, leave your name, address, phone number and a recent photograph if possible. However, an employee will be available to take your picture if you do not have one. Spencer-Phillips said extras have to be available eight hours a day but added there will be a lot of night shooting. Once the list of extras has been compiled, 24-hour notice will be given.
The session will run from noon to 9pm on Friday and from 8am to 3pm on Saturday. First Blood stars Sylvester Stallone and Kirk Douglas. Stallone, an ex-Green Beret looking for a wartime buddy, is thrown in jail on a trumped up charge by a surly sheriff, who dislikes Stallone's hippie appearance. Stallone escapes to the mountains: a deputy dies in the chase: the conflict escalates and Stallone quickly turns the tables from being the hunted to the hunter. As Stallone's commander and trainer in Vietnam, Dougas is called in to round up his formidable protege, a congressional medal of honor recipient.
The movie is named after, and based on, David Morell's fictional bestseller "First Blood" published in 1972.
Approximately 550 residents turned out for the casting call for First Blood on Friday and Saturday. One of the casting crew said there were over 200 people on Friday afternoon with four hours still left for that session. She added the competition wil be fierce because approximately 100 people are needed. The movie company will begin scheduling the extras next week.
Just a reminder to merchants, the deadline for the Christmas decoration contest is Thursday, Nov 19/81. First Blood is sponsoring the contest for store owners on Wallace st, Third ave, Fourth ave, Part St. and Commission st. The first prize is a Panasonic color portable TV and the second and third prizes are Panasonic Clock Radios. Judging takes place Nov. 19/1981.
First Blood Productions is shooting "heavy-duty dangerous" stunts at a location approximately six miles outside of Hope. Carolco Services Ltd., an independent company that is producing the movie, will be shooting scenes in town some time next week or the following week.
The movie tells of the conflict between Vietnam veteran Rambo, played by Sylvester Stallone, who trained with the special forces and is a congressional medal of honor winner and a redneck sheriff, Teasle played by Brian Dennehy, who is a Korean war hero. Dennehy plays the district attorney in the television series Dynasty and also played the bartender in "10". Kirk Douglas plays Col. Trautman, the special forces officer who trained Rambo.
In the scene currently being filmed, Rambo is being hunted by a helicopter. He throws a knife (Yes, this is in the article) at the helicopter while he is in a tree, the window shatters, the pilot is startled and jerks the control stick, causing on the the deputies to fall out and be killed.
Publicist Burt Elias had nothing but praise for the town. He said the 40 - 50 member crew have all been made to fell at home by the residents. The people could not be nicer and more enjoyable to be around. Everyone is being so helpful and co-operative he said. The people enjoy having the crew around and it reflects in their attitudes. The company will be shooting scenes in and around Hope for at least a month. The executive producers for First Blood are Andy Vajna, Mario Kassar and Herb Nanas. Buzz Feitshans is the producer and Ted Kotcheff is the director. The deputies are played by David Caruso, Jack Starrett, Michael Tabot, David Crowley, Chris Mulkey and John McHian who plays the dog handler.
First Blood filming in downtown Hope could begin as early as tomorrow (Thursday) if production plans go ahead. Stunt work at Othello Tunnels is behind schedule, however, due to poor shooting conditions. Props are largely in place, including many signs which might confuse strangers in town. Even Brian Dennehy, who is playing Sherriff Teasle, was convinced that the corner jailhouse was simply an existing town building taken over by the movie company. After touring inside, he noted that he had never worked on a set so elaborate.
A major motion picture starring Sylvester Stallone and Kirk Douglas is going to be filmed in and around Hope prior to Christmas. In a modern day western, the good guy - Stallone - has a run in with the local sheriff, yet to be casted, and in the closing scenes shoots it out in a spectacular showdown in downtown Hope.
Stallone, an ex-green beret, looking for a wartime buddy, is thrown in jail on a trumped up charge by a surly sheriff who takes a dislike to Stallone's hippie appearance. Stallone escapes to the mountains: a deputy dies in the chase: the conflict escalates and Stallone quickly turns the tables from being the hunted to the hunter. As Stallone's commander and trainer in Vietnam, Dougas is called in to round up his formidable protege, a congressional medal of honor recipient. The movie is named after, and based on, David Morell's fictional bestseller "First Blood" published in 1972.
Directing First Blood will be Ted Kotcheff, a Canadian known for box offe successes "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz" and "Noth Dallas Forty." Filming will begin in mid November and should last four to five weeks. Producer Ed Carlin told Hopoe council during a successful pitch for the town's co-operation last Thursday, that this adventure film will have a high special effects content.
Car chases, the explosion of a serve station and the final devastating shootout should along with watching major Hollywood stars in action prove entertaining for Hope residents, Carlin said. In addition to entertainment, Hope will benefit by cashing in on up to $500,000 for hosting a crew, ranging form 50 - 100 people, he claimed. In exchange, Carlin said, "we want nothing more than good will and co-operation from the town."
Hope, ideally situated for "First Blood" with its mountainous backdrop for the manhunt, was selected from a lengthy list of B.C. Towns. "I've seen more towns and trees in this province than most British Columbian's" joked Carlin. He credited the provincial tourism ministry's aggressive promotion for luring First Blood's production into B.C.
For some Hope residents, this film will be their one chance to hit the big screen. In a week or two, First Blood Productions will set up an office where those interested in being an extra may drop off their picture and resume. Casting will be primarily for crowd scenes, Carlin said. No speaking parts for locals are being considered at this time.
Hope volunteer fire department has already been casted for the service station explosion, where Stallone returns from the mountains for revenge.
In this particular scene, Stallone steals an army truck, crashes it into a service station, spreads gasoline and then lights the fuel. Carlin said the resulting fire will last for one to two hours. The location of the service station, an actual building to be three-quarters constructed has not been determined yet.
Another building will be partially constructed in front of the townhall on the corner of Third avenue and Wallace street. This building will serve as the sheriff's office and will be almost identical architecturally to townhall. A building crew of 15 - 20 men may arrive as early as next week. Carlin said 90 percent of his personnel are Canadians, including about 75 technicians. The Americans are special effects experts and of course, the lead actors.
Both Stallone and Douglas will be staying in homes rented by First Blood Productions in or near Hope, Carlin said. He said both stars chose this film, not for the money but because they enjoyed their roles and the story. Stallone liked First Blood because his part is physical, masculine and much of it is filmed outside. I think he was very enamoured by it Carlin said. Douglas chose First Blood becuse he gets to play a heavy which is a role most actors have fun playing, Carlin added.
Some filming will be shot in the Kettle Valley tunnels and a week or two of filming may take place on Vancouver Island, where Carlin spotted a suitable ledge ideal for a hunt scene. He hopes to find a suitable ledge here to avoid moving. In Hope, filming will mean temporary street closures. Carlin said most filming will be done at night and street closures will only last for 5 to 10 minute intervals in the car chase scenes.
In the final showdown between Stallone and the sheriff, a spectacular shoot-out primarily on Third avenue erupts, which will shatter store windows and street lights. First Blood Productions will be contacting store owners to enlist their co-operation. "HIstoricallly" Carlin told council, property damaged is usually replaced better than new. He said First Blood Productions has a $10 million insurance policy. He also assured Hope mayor Keith Gardner that he would produce an independent statement of First Blood Production's solvency.
A public information meeting will be held in townhall just prior to First Blood going into production.Wtih co-operation from Hope Residents, Carlin said he could look forward to a successful film for us and the town. Only one thing could go wrong, he noted. If it snows, effectively ruining the film's continuity, Carlin admitted he has no idea what he will do. "That's a possibility I don't want to face."
Scott Hardy's First Blood Filming Locations