Helicopter Pilot Chuck Tamburro did a phenomenal job flying the helicopter into the Coquihalla Canyon with very limited space to work with. While at the Othello Tunnels, you'll be absolutely be amazed by this incredible feat.
This shot was taken at the exit of the second tunnel and to the right
The stuntman doubled his money for this shot after the helicopter blew the airbag away while they were hovering above it the first time. It was then realigned and anchored down.
This shot of the Posse in the Gorge is just off the path on your left after you walk through the first tunnel. Notice again that the crews went out of their way to hide the tunnels. Please use caution when walking along the large rocks to the river below.
This is were the Posse would have stood as they looked down on Rambo. This looks down upon the first tunnel and is on the exact side stuntman Diamond Farnsworth made the spectacular jump.
This area of the river can be accessed at certain times of the year. Please be very careful while walking down from the main trail as the rocks are steep and can be very slippery during the rain
Shea De La Mare, who works at the Williams Lake Regional Airport, sent me these pictures and let me know the helicopter used during the filming is alive and well. Shea was able to confirm this with the Helicopter's Log Book and Registration on the side ( C-GTPH ) The only thing that has changed over the years is the paint scheme.
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