These locations along with the Opening Scene, Junkyard, Waterfall and the Army Truck while its off road were all filmed on and around Burke Mountain in Port Coquitlam. The locations are pretty desolate considering how close to Port Coquitlam they are and be very cautious of bears and any other wild life in the area.
Rambo and Teasle are seen driving up Kawkawa Lake Road in Hope
Rambo and Teasle are at Hwy 1 and Peters road just west of Hope. The entire highway was expanded in 1985 and is a little unrecognizable now
The off road chase was filmed on Quarry rd and Burke Mountain
This location looked just like it did in the movie when I found it. It's a service road that kept flooding so the city filled it in with a large drain pipe a few years ago. This is just down from the junkyard
***Please note that this is on Private Property ***
This location is at the start of Quarry road before Minnekhada Park. Location will be on your right
Teasle crashes through the gate that leads to the opening scene and is about to turn west onto Quarry road.
Teasle just finished crashing through the gate and is heading over the Deiner Creek Bridge
This is on the service road just beyond the large drain pipe in the picture above
Scott Hardy's First Blood Filming Locations